Sunday, September 10, 2006

Cheney: “If We Had It To Do Over Again, We'd Do Exactly The Same Thing”...

A cool Sunday morning with that little nip of fall in the air. Glad the hot days are over but not ready for the 15 hours a day of darkness. I'm going to get some uplighting for the living room to try and ward off the winter blues this year.

Darth Vader (Cheney) was on Meet The Press this morning with Tim Russert. Dick is just too good a liar. Tim is doing his best but there's just no getting the truth out of evil incarnate. I keep wondering if the neo-cons actually believe the twisted logic of fearmongering that they are so steadfastly espousing or if it is truly as cynical as it seems... all just to keep their base frightened enough to keep voting for them.

There's a terrific post by Brent Budowsky that talks about how history will judge the Bush presidency. Worth a read.

Went to the doctor yesterday and the pain in my chest is Costochondritis. Not sure what caused it, but severe and sudden pain in the chest that can be caused by an injury, a virus, all kinds of things. Mine was probably fooling around on the roof last weekend. The doctor gave me an anti-inflammatory which has already helped a lot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, the Costochondritis sounds pretty scary. Glad it wasn't what first comes to mind with those symptoms.

Like the refreshing new layout... the other one was actually nicer, but this one is more refreshing/bright.